Indian Journal of Dairy Science


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Research Article
Dairy Processing
  • Sorption isotherms of infant milk food: Effect of variation of temperature and comparison of various constants in BET and
    GAB models

    D. Prasad and A.K. Agrawal
  • Studies on effect of initial pH, storage temperature and preservatives on shelf life of Yoghurt
    V.V. Bansode, V.D. Pawar, P.T.Satpute, M. Zakiruddin, A.S. Jadhao and G.M. Machewad
  • Effect of potassium sorbate on shelf life of khoa jalebi at 30oC
    Bharat Chaturvedi and C.N. Pagote
  • Dairy Microbiology

  • Study on prevalence of mastitis and antibiotic sensitivity of bacterial isolates recovered from cross bred cows of Anand district of Gujarat
    J.V. Patel, B.V. Bhingaradia, B.B. Patel, S.B. Patel, P.B. Patel and S.P. Vahora

  • Animal Nutrition

  • Comparative efficacy of combination of buffer treatments in sub acute ruminal acidosis in dairy cows
    Amjad-Ul-Islam, Ishtiyak A. Mir, K. Hussain, and W. A. A. Razzaque
  • Animal Physiology

  • Scanning Electron Microscopy and phagocytic activity of blood and milk neutrophils isolated from early lactating buffaloes
    Arpita Mohapatra, D.K. Swain, Sashipal, M.M.K. Pathan, Mandheer Kaur, Shakti Ranjan Panigrahy, Suman Kapila, Rajeev Kapila, Shiv Prasad, A.K. Mohanty and A.K. Dang

    Animal Breeding and Genetics


  • Assessment of genetic relationship between Kheri sheep and its founder breeds using molecular coancestry information
    Harikesh Singh Yadav , Ranjan Gupta, B.P.Mishra and Reena Arora
  • Studies on disposal pattern and its impact on milk production performance in Karan Swiss cattle
    Sujit Saha, B. K. Joshi and Avtar Singh
  • Effect of seasons on semen production performance of Jersey bulls
    G.K. Mishra, Ritesh Tiwari, S.U. Rehman, K.S. Rathore, R.B Singh, S.K. Saxena and M.U. Siddiqui
  • Livestock Production and Management

    Dairy Economics

    Dairy Extension