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Study on breeding and feeding management practices followed by members and non-members of dairy cooperatives in Jaipur district of Rajasthan

P.S.Tanwar, Yogendra Kumar and Gopal Sankhala

The present study was conducted on total 240 households identified 120 from members and 120 from non-members of dairy co-operatives in Jaipur district of Rajasthan. It was observed that wheat straw was most common dry fodder used by majority (68.33 vs. 73.33 %) of members and non-members families. About 54.17 percent and 46.67 percent animals were fed ready made feed (pelleted) by members and non-members. Soaking to the concentrate before feeding was prevalent adopted by 65.0 and 61.67 percent members and non-members families .Quantity of concentrate to be given an individual animal was decided on the basis of milk production by 62.50 and 84.17 % members and non-members families, respectively, however higher percentage (37.50) of members considered overall performance of an animal. The feeding of mineral mixture and common salt was adopted by 30.83 and 21.67 % members families whereas non-members families followed 6.67 and 9.17%, respectively. The membership of dairy co-operative had significant effect on composition of concentrate, criteria of concentrate feeding, feeding mineral mixture and common salt whereas as had non-significant effect on type of dry fodder most commonly used and pre-treatment to concentrate. Majority (59.17%) of members families mating to animals after 12 hours of onset of heat whereas majority (60.83%) respondents in non-members bred just after onset of heat. Bellowing was the most common symptoms of heat detection adopted by both members and non members families. Natural method of matting was used by majority of members (64.17%) and non-members (94.17%) families. Pregnancy diagnosis was not common in both the categories. Treatment to anoestrus animals and repeat breeder were followed by 55.0 and 63.33% in members in comparison to non-member (33.33 and 39.17%). The membership of dairy co-operative had significant effect on time of breeding, mating system, treatment to anoestrus animal and repeat breeder while have no significant association with most common symptoms of heat detection and pregnancy diagnosis.