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Economics of milk production and its constraints
in Nagaland

L.L. Michael Khoveio, D.K. Jain and A.K. Chauhan

This study was undertaken to determine the cost and returns from milk production and to identify the various constraints in milk production and marketing. The study was conducted in the Kohima and Dimapur districts of Nagaland state. Primary data was collected during 2010-11 from 120 milk-producing households. Tabular analysis was employed to work out the cost and returns from milk production while Garrett's Ranking Technique (GRT) was used to identify the major constraints in milk production and marketing. The overall average net maintenance cost per day for crossbred and local cows were worked out to be Rs. 80.46 and Rs. 41.04, respectively. The average daily milk yield of milch crossbred and local cows was 4.34 litres and 1.47 litres, respectively. The average costs of milk production for crossbred milch cows and local milch cows were Rs 18.52 and Rs 28.15 per litre, respectively. The net returns was found to be positive for crossbred cows while it was negative for local cows across all the categories of households. The constraints were studied separately for cooperative members and non-members. Low availability and high price of concentrate was the major production constraint in both member and non-member households followed by lack of availability of green fodder. Low price of liquid milk was found to be the major marketing constraint among the cooperative members while delay in payment by unorganized sector was the major constraint in case of non-members.