Indian Journal of Dairy Science


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DAIRY microbiology

Study on prevalence of mastitis and antibiotic sensitivity of bacterial isolates recovered from cross bred cows of Anand district of Gujarat

J.V. Patel, B.V. Bhingaradia, B.B. Patel, S.B. Patel, P.B. Patel and S.P. Vahora

The present study was designed to investigate prevalence of mastitis in field condition, bacteria associated with mastitis and also susceptibility of bacteria to various antibiotics. During the period of two year (July, 2010 to June, 2012), total 10539 milk samples from healthy cross bred cows were tested for mastitis from 50 different villages of Anand district of Gujarat state covered under AMUL milk shed area and were subjected to California Mastitis Test as a screening test. Among found positive samples, 500 milk samples were randomly collected in aseptic condition and cultured on media such as Blood agar, Macconkey's agar, Staphylococcus medium no. 110 and nutrient agar. The inoculated plates were incubated aerobically at 37 degree C for 24-48 hours. Growth of different bacteria was yielded. The isolated organism were identified and subjected to 8 commonly used antibiotics for determination of antibiogram. Out of tested 10539 milk samples from healthy cows, 4932 cows (46.80%) were found positive for sub-clinical mastitis. From 500 positive milk samples, 235 (47%) samples yielded bacterial growth. Gentamicine, Enrofloxacine and Ceftriaxone were found most effective drugs amongst the 8 antibiotics tested in vitro. Mastitis is managemental problem and mastitis prevention practices like dry cow therapy, pre and post-milking teat dip are not practiced under field condition ultimately reflects the bad quality of milk availability.