
Availability of Space in Indian Dairyman
for Advertisement

Indian Dairy Association is an apex body of dairy professional in country and Indian Dairyman is its prime publication which is considered to be the mouth piece of the dairy industry in country. It carries informative articles by experts on various fields of dairy industry-like technology, engineering, cattle breeding, nutrition, market information and news from India and abroad etc.

There has been considerable qualitative improvement in Indian Dairyman, which has increased its readership. This periodical is being widely referred to by the Chief Executives in the Cooperatives, Federations and top Private Organizations in India and countries abroad. Now, Indian Dairyman is visible in the national and international arena. Therefore, Indian Dairyman is the right medium to reach focused audience.

It is for the information of all concerned that there is space available in Indian Dairyman for sale for the purpose of advertisement.

Profile of the Reader

Indian Dairyman & Indian Journal of Dairy Science are circulated in the various parts of the country and to the nations abroad and read by most members of the dairy community. It is being widely referred to by the Chief Executives in the Cooperatives, Federations and top private organizations and dairy organizations abroad and subscribed by their respective libraries. The readership of the journals, subscribed by various institutions as well as the libraries, is growing by leaps and bounds!

Tariff Per Insertion


Indian Dairyman

Indian Journal of Dairy Science
Outside Back Cover
(Four Colours)
Inside Front Cover
(Four Colours)
Inside Back Cover
(Four Colours)
14,400 540 5,750 250
Inside Front /
Back Cover Facing
(Four Colours)
10,800 480 N.A. N.A.
Full Page
(Content Facing/
Right Hand page)
(Four Colours)
Facing Page
(Four Colours)
Full Page
(Four Colours)
Full Page
(Black & White)
Half Page
(Black & White)

Bulk Incentive:

A discount of 20% shall be applicable for a minimum order of 12 consecutive insertions on advance payment basis along with release order. However, in case of advertisement through agency, share of discount to agent @ 15% and to the advertiser @ 5%.

* Must book at least two-page ad.

** Booking for Facing Page is temporarily on hold. Tariff likely to revise from January 2016.


Advertisement Material :

  • Colour Advertisement :
    Four colour positives must be accompanied with a colour printout for colour matching purpose.
  • Electronic Artwork
    The advertisement may be sent in CD in PS File format OR in TIFF format only. All halftone/four colour scans should be scanned at minimum 300 dpi. All four colour scan should be saved as CMYK not RGB. Processing charges would be borne by the advertiser as per actual.
  • Black & White Advertisement
    The advertisement should be provided in good quality art work. In case, the advertisement includes photograph/vignette/screen, it should be either in the form of Bromide or Positive only. However, the advertisement containing text only, may be given in the form of laser printout (600/1200 dpi) also.

Advertisement Size (Mechanical Data)

Print Area
(Print Area in cm)
(Height x Width in cm)
Indian Dairyman and
Indian Journal of Dairy Science
Back Cover (Colour)
Trim Area
28 x 21.5
Print Area
25.5 x 19
Front or Back Inside Cover (Colour)
Print Area
25.5 x 19
Double Spread (Colour and Black & White)
Trim Area
28 x 43
Print Area
25.5 x 40
Full Page (Colour and Black & White)
Print Area
25.5 x 19
Half Page (Black & White)
Print Area
12 x 19


100% Advance payment should be made through Bank Draft payable at New Delhi / Cheque payable at par in favour of the “Indian Dairy Association” along with the Release Order.

Terms & Conditions

  • Indian Dairy Association reserves the exclusive right to reject any request for advertisement, whether or not the same has already been acknowledged and/or previously published.

  • The material of advertisement  should reach the IDA House on or before 12th for placement in the following month issue.
  • Cancellation of advertisements is not accepted after the booking deadline specified.
  • The incentive structure is applicable only for the advertisement booked in bulk (not less than 12 insertions). If the advertisement is withdrawn before the expiry of the contract, respective basic rates will apply to the published advertisement (s).
  • The Association will not be liable for any error in the advertisement.
  • The Association reserves the right to destroy all material after a period of 90 days from the date of issue of the last advertisement, in case of discontinuity in advertisement. The material will be returned on receipt of a request for the same in writing.

Correspondence pertaining to advertisement may be sent to:

Secretary (Establishment)
Indian Dairy Association
IDA House, Sector-IV, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110 022
Phones.: 91-11-26170781, 26165355, 26179781 Fax: 91-11-26174719