Indian Dairyman     |   September 2015 Issue, Vol 67, No. 9 |    ISSN 0019-4603
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Synthetic Milk — A Menace for Human Health

A. Goswami

Dy. Manager Production Verka Milk Plant, Mohali, Punjab.



"Synthetic milk, according to some reports, it is an admixture of little amount of milk or SMP with water, soap/ detergent, salt, sugar, urea, vegetable fat etc. Others have defined it as a product closely resembling milk but having none of the nutrients found in milk. While natural milk nourishes us, synthetic milk acts as slow poison adversely affecting the human system. Synthetic milk may taste and look so similar to natural milk that our senses fail to detect it. However, understanding the physio-chemical differences between synthetic milk and natural milk, and some useful household tests and laboratory tests for detecting synthetic milk will benefit the consumer."

(If you are interested in complete article, you may subscribe the "Indian Dairyman".)

The Secretary (Establishment),
Indian Dairy Association
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