Indian Dairyman     |   March 2017 Issue, Vol 69, No. 3 |    ISSN 0019-4603
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Climate Change: An Entrenched Rogue Covering Livestock Sector


Shashank C G,

M.V.Sc Student, Climate Resilient Livestock
Research Centre, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal, Haryana


Sohan Vir Singh

Principal Scientist & PI, NICRA Climate Resilient Livestock
Research Centre, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal, Haryana


Sonika Grewal

M.V.Sc Student, Climate Resilient Livestock
Research Centre, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal, Haryana


Simson Soren

Research Associate, Climate Resilient Livestock
Research Centre, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal, Haryana



"Climate change is any shift in climate over time either due to natural variations or as a result of human activity. Maintenance of homeothermy and homeostasis is mandatory for animals to survive, produce and reproduce. Animals can express their full genetic production potential only within a narrower range of environmental temperature, i.e. zone of thermo-neutrality, within which metabolic rate is independent of the environmental temperature. Climate change, principally global warming, may directly affect production performances in farm animals and impact worldwide on livestock production."

(If you are interested in complete article, you may subscribe the "Indian Dairyman".)

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