Indian Dairyman     |   March 2017 Issue, Vol 69, No. 3 |    ISSN 0019-4603
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Genomic Selection of Cattle and Buffaloes
Dilip Rath

Chairman, NDDB, Anand


K.R. Trivedi

Advisor, NDDB, Anand


M.U. Siddiqui

General Manager (AB), NDDB, Anand


N.G. Nayee

Sr. Manager (Animal Breeding), NDDB, Anand

(Corresponding author)



"Genomic Selection is a tool for faster genetic improvement in cattle and buffalo for traits of interest (mostly milk production capacity and other economically important traits). Since 2012 under the National Dairy Plan implemented by NDDB, Pedigree Selection (PS) programmes have been initiated for six indigenous cattle breeds and three buffalo breeds. Systematic performance recording of a small number (a few thousand) of cows and buffaloes is carried out in these projects to identify elite cows."

(If you are interested in complete article, you may subscribe the "Indian Dairyman".)

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