Indian Dairyman     |   December 2014 Issue, Vol 66, No. 12  |    ISSN 0019-4603
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Livestock Resources: Insurance for Livelihood Security in India

R.S. Gandhi

Assistant Director General (Animal Production & Breeding) ICAR, New Delhi.



"Livestock rearing has been a vital component of smallholder’s production system comprising marginal, small and semi-medium farmers. Milk, eggs, meat and wool have been the major livestock products in our country. Milk tops in contribution to total livestock output. India is endowed with a large biodiversity in animal genetic resources and rearing of livestock has been complementary to agriculture since time immemorial. Livestock has been an insurance to livelihood security in the face of natural calamities to livestock keepers. Developing branded animal products from indigenous livestock available with pastoralists and smallholders and creation of niche markets for them would empower these stakeholders in general and rural women in particular."

(If you are interested in complete article, you may subscribe the "Indian Dairyman".)

The Secretary (Establishment),
Indian Dairy Association
IDA House,
Sector - IV, R. K. Puram
New Delhi-110 022