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Guidelines for Authors Interested in Writing for the Indian Dairyman


The manuscript of any article will be received for publication with the understanding that it has not already been published or simultaneously submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. The article once approved shall be included in the list of approved articles and it will be published as per the priority determined by the Editorial Desk.

Type of Contribution

The manuscript should be related to dairy industry only and should enrich the knowledge of our readers. A research paper is not considered for publication in the Indian Dairyman.

Submission of Papers

Two copies of the manuscript of the proposed article along with a photograph of the author(s) may be sent. The manuscript should be neatly typed in double spacing (either laser printout or Electronic typewriter output). Do not send the material typed with manual typewriter. The manuscript may also be sent through e-mail, so as to minimise the possible errors in printing. But for the e-mailed manuscripts, a hard copy must also be sent.

The manuscript should not exceed 6-8 pages of A4 size of the Indian Dairyman format. The article must be concise and free of any discrepancy. Standard abbreviations should be used in the text. Words given in italics should be underlined. All figures, sent along with the articles, should be drawn on butter (transparent) paper or should be a laser printout (no xerox copy).


All papers should be written in English.


Generally, the title of the article should not exceed 15 words.


The introductory part should give appropriate background, clearly stating the objectives of the paper.


Author must draw a conclusion at the end of the paper.


Literature references should be given at the end of the article and the same should also be referred in the text, if necessary.


Authors & co-authors must indicate the name of the organisation they are working for, their designation and full address (including phone, fax, and e-mail address, if available).