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Indian Journal of Dairy Science


Manuscript will be received by online system (http://epubs.icar.org.in/ejournal/index.php/IJDS/user/register) or by mail (ijdsonline@gmail.com) for possible publication with the understanding that they have not been published, simultaneously submitted or already accepted for publication elsewhere.

Manuscript must be concise and consistent in style and spellings (spellings should be according to Oxford or Chamber's dictionary). Standard abbreviations should be used. Words given in italics should be underlined.

Preparation of Manuscript

The papers , in general, should be divided into the following components in the sequence indicated below: Title page, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, References, Tables, Legends for illustration and illustrations.

The titles of parts should be typed in capital letters and kept in the center of the text. The results and discussions parts could be combined if the author so desire. Subtitles, if any, in each part should be underlined and suffixed with a colon. The text should be continued in the same line after the colon. Authors should see that there should not be repetition of the data, presented in the table, in the text and vice versa.

Title page

This page should include:

Title of the article, Running title of the article, Name of author(s), Department, Institution and city, Name and valid email address to whom correspondence should be sent and Keywords to be incorporated in the article.



The abstract should be written as running matter on separate sheet. It should highlight important findings and conclusions. This text should be suitable for direct reproduction in abstracting journals.



Keywords should be incorporated in between Abstract and the Introduction.



The introductory part should give appropriate background, clearly state the objectives of the work and explain briefly what is new in the paper.


Materials and Methods

Experimental procedures of new methods should be described in detail. In case of well established methods, references only are sufficient. Substantial modifications of standard methods should be described in detail. Instruments, equipment, apparatus and pure chemicals/bio-chemicals used should be identified by giving the manufacturers name in parenthesis.



The results should be presented be presented as consciously as possible. Table and figures should not be used for presentation of same data.



This section should be used for the interpretation of data. Data given in the results should not be repeated. The observation may be compared with other relevant studies. Conclusions should not be drawn without supporting data.New hypothesis if any, may be stated. Recommendation, when appropriate, may be included



International System of Unites (SI) should only be used.



Authors are responsible for including the names of persons who have made substantial contributions to the study orInstitutions which have given financial assistance to the work.



Abbreviations of the titles of all scientific periodicals should confirm to those cited in the World List of Scientific Periodicals, Scientific Publications, London 1962. In the text, references should be cited indicating author's name and year of publication. For two authors, both names are to be given and for three or more authors, the first name followed by et al. should be given. If there is ambiguity in differentiating two or more references of the same authors and years, a, b etc. may be added (e.g. Raman and Krishnan, 1980 a, b.)

The reference should be arranged in an alphabetical order.

The order of presentation should be as follow:

Name of authors with initials, Years of parenthesis, Title of article, Title of journal, Volume No., Page No.


Short Communications

The journal accepts 'short Communications' as well.

These shall report:

1. Results of sufficient importance to merit publication in advance of a more comprehensive paper.

2. Data which substantially confirm and extend existing knowledge but which do not justify a full paper. Category (a) will receive preference over category (b)

A short communication should not exceed 3 printed pages (1500 words) including title, reference and one table or figure. These communications should be written as running matter with no headlines, such as introduction, materials and methods etc. but be complete in themselves. The short communications should accompany with ABSTRACT (about 200 words) for purposes of publication elsewhere.



Please submit, with the review/ research article/ short communication, the names, addresses and e-mail addresses of three potential referees. Note that the editor retains the sole right to decide whether or not the suggested reviewers are used.


Publication Certificate

All the manuscripts submitted to the Indian Journal of Dairy Science must be accompanied by the following certificate, and signed by all authors:
"Certified that the paper titled:"___________________" represents original piece of our research work. The data presented inthe paper has not been submitted elsewhere for publication. Names of all those who have contributed to this research work
has been suitably acknowledged. One of the authors, i.e. Smt./Shri/Dr.____________________ happens to be the Ordinary/Life Member of the IDA.

  .....................                   ..........................             ......................                    .........................
   (Main Author)                                                            (Co-Author)