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Standardisation of the Protocol for the Resolution of Selected b-Casomorphins From Their Model Mixture

Latha Sabikhi*, B.N. Mathur** and Aniruddha Kumar***

The proteolytic profile of cheese and fermented milk products includes many different protein breakdown products, some of which may be physiologically significant. In the current study, the HPLC conditions (attenuation setting, absorbance range setting, chart speed setting and the solvent elution programme) were standardized to resolve completely, a mixture of three b-casomorphins, viz., b-casomorphin 3 (b-CM 3), morphiceptin and b-CM 5, which may be breakdown products of proteolysis in fermented milks. RP-HPLC analysis was done on a C18 analytical column using two solvents (A - 0.1% triflouroacetic acid (TFA) in water, B - 0.1% TFA, 90% acetonitrile and 9.9% water) and a gradient solvent elution programme at a flow rate of one ml/min. Complete resolution of the individual casomorphins were achieved at attenuation setting of 4, absorbance range setting of 0.64, chart speed setting of 4 mm/min and a linear gradient increase of 0.375% B/min.
Keywords:  b-casomorphins, model mixture

* Senior Scientist, Dairy Technology Division, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal (India)
** Former Director, National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad – 500 030 (India)
*** Technical Officer, Computer Maintenance Section, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal (India)
2007-071 Date received:August 2004; Accepted:December 2004