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Effect of Udder and Teat Characteristics on Milk Composition and Yield of Karan Fries Cows

T.K.S. Rao, A.K. Dang and Charan Singh*

A study was conducted to see the relationship of udder and teat biometry on milk yield and composition of KF cows. Udder and teat characteristics, milk yield and composition was measured in 8 pregnant crossbred KF heifers and 8 multiparous KF cows, one week before prepartum and upto 60 days postpartum. KF cows with trough shaped udder produced more milk and also had more milk protein content, but less lactose as compared to round shaped udder. Maximum change was observed in the length and circumference of the udder during the experimental period. Shape of teats had no effect on milk yield, whereas, longer DRR teat length with smaller diameter produced more milk. The study indicated that proper shape, size and measurements of the mammary gland significantly influences milk yield, fat and protein content.
Keywords:  Udder, teat, shape, size, milk yield, composition, Karan Fries, cows

* Principal Scientist (L.P.M.), Dairy Cattle Breeding Division, National Dairy Research Institute Karnal-132 001, Haryana, India.. E-mail:
2007-068 Date received:November 2006; Accepted:July 2007.