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Induction of Estrus with Follicular
Fluid in Anestrus Buffaloes

K.Krishnakumar*, P. Sivakumar**, M.Muthuramalingam**, M. Sasikumar** and C.Chandrahasan***

The study was conducted on buffaloes which were brought to the Gynaecological unit of Veterinary College and Research Institute Hospital, Namakkal, Tamilnadu. Ten numbers of buffaloes, failed to exhibit estrus signs even after six months of parturition and had no palpable structures on their ovaries were given 5 ml of bovine follicular fluid, intramuscularly. Ten numbers of healthy, normal and cyclical buffaloes, after 60 days post-partum were utilized as control. The overall incidence of anestrus was 15.87 per cent from April 1998 to March 2002. Out of ten, 9 (90%) buffaloes exhibited estrus with 5 ml of follicular fluid administered, intramuscularly. The time taken for the onset of estrus was 10.78±2.65 days and the mean duration of estrus was 25.20±1.41 and 33.56±3.09 h in control and induced groups, respectively. The intense, intermediate and weak estrus were 50.00, 50.00 and 0.00 per cent in control group and 44.44, 33.33 and 22.22 per cent in induced group, respectively. The conception rate was 70.00 and 66.66 per cent in control and induced group, respectively, which did not differ significantly.
Keywords: Follicular fluid, Anestrum, Induction of estrum, Buffaloes, Conception rate

* Part of the project work submitted to Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology, Chennai.
* Associate Professor, ***Professor and Head, Department of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India- 637 001.
** B.V.Sc. students (1997-98 batch), Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India- 637 001
2007-067 Date received:February 2007; Accepted:June 2007.