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Nutrient Utilization from Clusterbean Straw, upplemented with Urea and Prosopis cineraria Leaves in Growing Camel

N Saini1 G.P. Singh and A.K. Nagpal

A study was conducted in completely randomized design on 9 growing male camels to study the effect of supplementation of 2% urea (DM basis) and leaves of Prosopis cineraria (khejri) on iso nitrogenously to clusterbean straw (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) fed respectively, to group II and III and straw only to group (I) as a sole feed. Total dry matter intake and digestibility of CF were significantly higher in group III than other groups. However, digestibility of DM, OM, CP and values of blood urea and total protein were similar and significantly (P<0.05) higher in group II and III compared to group I. Calculated cost of feed in corresponding groups was 12, 13.56 and16.77 Rs/d/animal. Significantly lower cost of feed was observed in group I fed clusterbean straw whereas cost of available nutrients was significantly (P<0.05) lower in urea supplement group.
Keywords:  Clusterbean straw, Prosopis cineraria, Camel calves, Cost

* Scientist, SS(AN), National Research Centre on Camel, Jorbeer, P.B. 07, Bikaner-334001, India
2007-064 Date received:February 2005; Accepted:March 2007.