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Biochemical Characterization of Leuconostoc
Spp. Isolated From Raw Milk

P. Subramanian* and Pavan Kumar Ora

Sixty five strains of Leuconostoc spp. of dairy origin were isolated from raw milk samples. Physiological and biochemical traits of each isolate were studied and characterized. Special attention was given to those Leuconostoc isolates that could metabolize citrate, produce dextran or ferment selected carbohydrates. Leuconostoc species identified were L. dextranicum, L. mesenteroides, L. paramesenteroides, L. lactis and L. cremoris.
Keywords:  Leuconostoc, biochemical tests, citrate, dextran, carbohydrates.

* Department of Dairy and Food Microbiology, College of Dairy & Food Science Technology, (Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology), Udaipur- 313 001 (Rajasthan).