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Monetary Losses Due to Reproductive
Failures in FMD Affected Bovines

M.Thirunavukkarasu and G.Kathiravan

This study was conducted to estimate the monetary losses arising due to reproductive failures in FMD affected bovines in four districts of the Cauvery delta zone of Tamil Nadu where there were 213 FMD outbreaks during November 2002-January 2003. A sample of 75 outbreaks was randomly selected and relevant data gathered, analysed. Prevalence of FMD was 16.51 per cent in cattle and 11.01 per cent in buffaloes. Of 76 abortions resulting due to FMD, 70 were in cattle and 6 in buffaloes. Average number of days of abortion from conception was 198 in cattle and 170 in buffaloes. The total value of lost milk was found to be Rs. 582600 in aborted bovines. Value of calves, which would have been born, was found to be Rs. 67200. Total loss due to abortions in FMD affected bovines was calculated to be Rs. 649800. Besides, a total number of 457 female bovines became infertile or repeat breeders. Average number of days an animal remained unconceived after the FMD attack was 413 and 462 in cattle and buffaloes, respectively. The loss due to the value of calves that could have been born was estimated to be Rs. 2.28 lakhs. The estimated value of milk lost due to repeat breeding was found to be Rs. 8.68 lakhs. The loss due to abortion and extended calving interval/infertility was Rs. 6.50 lakhs (37.23 per cent) and 10.96 lakhs (62.77 per cent), respectively (totaling to Rs. 17.46 lakhs) in the chosen 75 outbreaks. Extrapolating this loss to all the 213 outbreaks, the loss could have been Rs. 49.59 lakhs, a significant loss to the farm families.
Keywords:  FMD, bovines, reproductive failures, monetary losses

* Department of Animal Husbandry,Statistics and Computer Applications, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai 600007, TamilNadu. E-mail:
2007-070 Date received:December 2006; Accepted:August 2007.