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Process Standardization and Shelf life
Evaluation of Chhana Podo

Bikash C. Ghosh, K. Jayaraj Rao, B. V. Balasubramanyam and Satish Kulkarni

Chhana podo is an indigenous milk based sweet prepared by baking . The product is commonly prepared in Orissa by using chhana, maida/suji and sugar. It has pleasant cooked flavour and rich taste with cake like body & texture. Attempts were made to standardize the production of chhana podo. Between the two binding agents used at 5 or 10% ( based on chhana), suji at 5% level was adjudged most suitable for podo production. Baking temperature of 2000 C for 65 min. in an aluminum tray with dough thickness of 2 - 2.5 cm resulted in a uniformly baked product. The optimum sugar level was found to be 30% of chhana for the desired sweetness. About 12-15% of moisture evaporated during baking. Chhana podo packed in polyethylene pouches recorded a shelf life up to 4 and 30 days at 370C and refrigerated temperatures, respectively. Vacuum packaging increased the shelf life by 2-3 days at 370C. Incorporation of 0.1% potassium metabisulphite and potassium sorbate in the dough increased the shelf life up to 8 days at 37oC. Spoilage of podo was observed to be due to the white, green and black mould growth on the surface.
Keywords:  Chhana podo, baking temperature , preservatives, maida, suji, shelf life

* Dairy Technology Section, National Dairy Research Institute, Adugodi, Bangalore – 560 030
2007-060 Date received:May 2006; Accepted:July 2007.